Wednesday, July 12, 2017

WAW Wednesday ... "Right Now in Belize"

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."

WAW Wednesday: "Right Now in Belize!"

Dear Friends,

July is an incredibly full month for us as we have teams from Texas, Mississippi, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New Mexico traveling to Belize to serve along side their friends. Here's an up-to-the-minute report from Tim Hagen, currently working with Chepito in VOP:

Our group from St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral in Amarillo, TX ( with parishioners from other churches in the Diocese of Amarillo) has just finished their second day partnering with Our Lady of Peace in Valley of Peace, Belize. The team is spending time teaching and playing with kids from the church, remodeling a building on the church property, and spending time with their friends.

Fr. Christopher Schwind will be busy this week celebrating mass each night, offering reconciliation (confession), and anointing the sick. He will preside over a funeral mass tomorrow as well as celebrate a baptism and a Quinceanera on Sunday.

Families in VOP continue to demonstrate God's love by serving along side the team and opening their homes and lives to us. Our common faith transcends small cultural differences.

Later in the week the will have an opportunity to celebrate God's provision for a family who lost their house to fire in March of this year. Our Lady of Peace and St Mary's partnered to care for the family in their distress. The team will be able to see the new house--better than before--finished and ready to receive the family again. God is good!

There's a lot going on in Belize this month. Please pray that God will be glorified by the efforts of our friends and partners.

Praise God with us for each and every commitment we received during our #wearethewordatwork fundraising campaign!

Kenny and Tim Tam are getting ready for teams arriving this weekend - please pray for safe travel and supernatural energy!

TWAW recently submitted a grant application to USAid. If we were selected, the grant would provide our Redemptive Recycling Program with funds to ship several containers over the next couple of years! Please pray with us that our application might be selected. We hope to hear a decision by July 25.

We are anxious to hear what comes out of your prayers. Feel free to email me back – or use this card and send it in.

We’ve reached 30% of our annual goal as of today!

Please Pray if you’ve not made a commitment and Give as you are led; and, Go with us to Belize soon! Together we are the Word at Work!

Tim Tam

EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners? Please please fill out this Commitment Card and return it to their office!

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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