Wednesday, August 23, 2017

WAW Wednesday ... "Kenny coming to visit you ???"

"The Word at Work is a ministry that mobilizes churches and individuals to answer God's call to minister to those in need," writes Rev. Tim Tam, Director of the Amarillo, Texas-based ministry. "Through our relationships, God reveals needs and opportunities for service. As we come along side the poor, new friendships develop and doors for ministry open. As we serve, God provides the resources to supply for the needs he reveals."

WAW Wednesday: "Kenny coming to visit you ???"

Hey, Friends,

About a month ago while in Belize I snapped this photo of Kenny's boots.

Just now while I was clearing out my photo library I came across it and in the calm of my comfy chair I stared at the photo and began to ponder its significance.

"how beautiful ... are the feet of them that bring good news!”
Isaiah 52:7

Be it on the mountain; deep in the bush; in towns, villages, or urban squalor; when these boots appear they bring hope and joy to so many.

You can imagine the shout of his name, “Kenny!!!”, and the smiles that dawn on the faces of adults and children alike.

Nobody says "Kenny who?” He's one of those people, like Madonna, that can carry it off with one name….. at least in Belize. And we always joke about how he either knows or he is related to everyone in the country.

Wherever these boots step…... Good news is not far behind.

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to Kenny about finances, keeping the TWAW boat afloat, and some ideas on some new direction I believe God is taking us.

He offered to come to the states, visit some churches and friends, and try to raise some money.

Sounds good to me.

This fall let's bring these boots and the feet that mobilize them with their good news to the U.S.

Would you welcome a visit from Kenny?

Pray, and see if God puts an idea in your head.

Print this photo ... put it on your refrigerator or somewhere where you'll see it so you will remember to pray for Kenny.

These boots carry a lot of weight and we need your prayers to keep them moving.

Speaking of Footwear ...

This is our friend, Pedrito.

Thanks to some of our generous donors he's had surgery to repair a condition commonly known as "club foot". The surgery was a success and Pedrito is attending school and thriving. Sometimes he gets going a little too fast and reverts to the gait he had before his surgery. This could be avoided with the proper shoe for his right foot.

We are searching for an orthotist who can help make sure Pedrito has the shoes that he needs as he grows up. Maybe that person is reading this message now; or maybe you know someone who could help? Use the following link to share that with us. Thanks in advance for being an answer to Pedrito's prayer ...

Preview of coming attraction

Here's a sneak peek at what God did through the Belize Mission Team from Exodus and First Stone Churches who came to the States -- stay tuned -- next week we'll give you more about this very special and unique trip! .

Thank you for praying for and supporting The Word at Work.

Let me know when you'd like Kenny to come for a visit --

Tim Tam

EDITOR'S NOTE: Speaking from my own first-hand experience - working side-by-side with Tim, Kenny and our brothers and sisters in Belize - won't you give thoughtful, prayerful consideration to supporting the efforts of Tim, the Word At Work staff and their partners? Please please fill out this Commitment Card and return it to their office!

Also, remember that you can follow The Word At Work on their Facebook page!

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